International co-operations

The Catholic University of Freiburg maintains close international ties. In addition to lecturer and student exchanges, this international network is responsible for various international activities.

Partner universities

Our university has partnerships with universities around the world. For more see our partner institutions.

International Courses

Those who do not have the opportunity to go abroad for a full semester can consider participating in our international projects:

Binational seminars 
organized in conjunction with partner institutions in Barcelona, Groningen and Ukraine

RECOS is a collaboration of social work schools and universities in Alsace, in northern Switzerland, and in South Baden

International Week / Summer School
For supporting  an international strategy, the Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg has established an international week or summer school for two weeks at least every two years. Invited are lecturers and students of the partner universities in European and Non-European countries as well as others. On the level of exchange students and lecturers of the Catholic University will take part in similar activities abroad.

European Social Work / Europäische Soziale Arbeit (ESA) 
in cooperation with the Libera Università "Maria SS. Assunta" (LUMSA) Rome and the Ramon Llull University, Barcelona

Summer School in Ohio, USA
("International Health”, Exchange organized through College of Nursing)

Educational trips
Palestine, Kosovo, Poland and Israel:  faculties of the KH Freiburg organize excursions abroad every year.

European Master in Social Work

The European Master in Social Work is a joint program between the KH Freiburg and 5 universities in 5 European countries. In this study program courses are offered from a European perspective on social inclusion and combating poverty. There are modules offered on various welfare systems and different European approaches to Social Work are examined. Students must study 90 ECTS over the two year duration of the program.

The program starts every September in Groningen, the Netherlands.
Find out more on the official website:

ERASMUS and DAAD-projects

You will find a list of all the different projects on the next page.

Outgoing students

A few months or an entire year in Spain, Ethiopia or Thailand? It´s a once in a lifetime, unforgettable experience; that’s why we encourage all of our students to go abroad during their studies. It will be a rewarding and worthwhile experience, both personally and for your future career.

Find out information on going abroad here:

Specialist in International Office, Grants for Study Abroad
Naomi Hiroe-Helbing